Our Story
It all began with a phone call in November 2022. My brother in New York is a huge Tennessee Vol fan. When he was unable to get around, and he wanted a Tennessee Vols cane. He asked me to check the local stores that sell UT apparel and other fan stuff. But no canes. So, what’s a brother to do?
I told him that I would make one for him with UT colors and graphics. After a trip to a local medical supply store, I found a suitable cane. Painting it orange and white and adding Vols decals, the cane was complete. Before I shipped the cane to him, two ladies saw it and wanted to get UT canes for their husbands for Christmas. Two more canes were crafted in time to make it under the Christmas tree. (One was appropriately delivered on Christmas Eve.)
Several other persons suggested that it would be a good idea to pursue production of the canes and establish outlets for selling them…an idea I was already considering. More research. Investigation found that no company was making such a product. At that point in July 2023 we established an LLC corporation – Collegiate Sports Marketing.
Large-scale production efforts began. The LLC has built a company that includes our lawyers, an accounting firm, a marketing group, a website and a company to handle logistics and supply chain issues. The needed Collegiate Licensing has also been secured.
Our hope is that our canes will bring Volunteer fans enjoyment and security as they pull for the “Big Orange.”
– Dave Conklin, Founder of Collegiate Canes